Tuesday, June 2, 2020

What I Did for the Labor Day Weekend - Free Essay Example

For Labor Day weekend my family always does something special. Last year we visited my aunt in California and then this year we went up to the mountains and camp out for the weekend. When we first got up there we had to turn on the water and the power for the cabin and the trailer. After we did that we got everything unloaded and ready for the weekend. We got the heat going and the beds ready while we cleaned and setup the trailer for the stay. After about an hour we went to bed. The next morning we got the quads going and ready to go up to the store for some supplies that we needed. At the store we got my license for fishing and so as my moms. We also got some food to last us the weekend and some fishing bait too. When we got back to the trailer we made breakfast, got dressed and just situated everything in the trailer and cabin so that it’s all ready for our stay. We got the poles and bait we got from the store and then headed for Lake Navajo. On the ride to there it w as really bumpy but the scenery was great, there were a lot of trees and wild flowers to look at. At the end of the day we caught 4 fish, I caught two and my mom’s boy friend caught two. At home we skinned and prepared the fish for tomorrow. While we were doing that my mom got the grill going and ready for us to cook some meat. We ate hamburgers, cole-slaw, steak and corn at dinner. We all took showers and got dressed for bed. After we all took showers we made a fire, roasted marsh-mellows and then went to bed. The next morning we woke up early and ate breakfast. After we ate we got the poles and bait to get for fishing. We caught for fish again, I caught none and my mom and her boy friend both caught two. We skinned them and froze them with the other fish we caught yesterday. We just hanged out for about an hour or two and then went for a quad ride. After that we went fishing and didn’t catch anything. Me and my mom went for a ride on the U. T. V. and got back just around dinner time. We made the fish we caught yesterday and had some macaroni with it. After that we made another fire and then went to bed. On our last day we woke up and had a huge breakfast. We had eggs, cereal, sausage, bacon, fresh squeezed orange juice, grits, hash browns and fresh fruit. After that we cleaned out the shed so we could put the quads in it. We also cleaned the trailer and the cabin so it can be ready for the next time we come up. On our way back home someone came by and asked if they could take this old tent we had and we said sure. Then we headed back home for Las Vegas, Nevada.

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