Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Autism Is A Neurodevelopmental Disorder - 962 Words

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It is the most severe form of Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This illness causes impairments of social abilities, language, speech, and behaviors (DeLong, 2011, p.903). Autism is growing rapidly in the United States beginning in the 1990s (DeLong, 2011, p.903). It becomes the great public health concern. The genetics plays a role in autisms. However, environmental factors also can trigger autism. So the question about whether vaccination is one of these environmental factors was raised. Vaccines may trigger autism due to several reasons. First of all, thimerosal is a preservative in certain vaccines. About half of its weight is mercury (Hg) which could lead to autism (Delong, 2011, p.904). Therefore, thimerosal has been eliminated from many vaccines, but not all of them. There are still some thimerosal-containing vaccines being used. Besides Hg, vaccines also contain the neurotoxin aluminum (Al) which could cause disorders in the central nervous system (Delong, 2011, p.904). In general, the ingredients of vaccines may contribute to the development of a neurological disability including autism. Consequently, the study about the association between vaccinations and autism has been conducted (Delong, 2011). The result of this study has shown that â€Å"there is a possible link between a possible link between susceptible children receiving a battery of vaccinations and developing autism or speech disorders† (Delong, 2011, p.914). However, itShow MoreRelatedAutism Is A Neurodevelopmental Disorder That Is Found To1103 Words   |  5 PagesAutism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is found to be affecting more people every day. Autism spectrum disorder is a term used to hold many levels of autism under it from high functioning to non-verbal. 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