Sunday, December 29, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas Of The Healthcare Field - 1056 Words

Everyday, healthcare professionals are faced with ethical dilemmas in their workplace. These ethical dilemmas need to be addressed in order to provide the best care for the patient. Healthcare professionals have to weigh their own personal beliefs, professional beliefs, ethical understandings, and several other factors to decide what the best care for their patient might be. This is illustrated in Mrs. Smith’s case. Mrs. Smith is an 85 year old who has suffered from a large stroke that extends to both of her brains hemispheres which has left her unconscious. She only has some brain stem reflexes and requires a ventilator for support. She is unable to communicate how she wishes to proceed with her healthcare. Mrs. Smith’s children, Sara and Frank have different views regarding their mother’s plan of care. The decision that needs to be made is whether to prolong Mrs. Smith’s life, as Sara would like to do, or stop all treatments and care, as Frank fee ls his mother would want. In the healthcare field, there are situations similar to this case that happen daily where moral and ethical judgment is necessary to guide the decision that would be best for the patient. The purpose of this paper is to explore and discuss, compare and contrast the personal and professional values, ethical principles, and legal issues regarding Mrs. Smith’s quality of life and further plan of care. Personal Values Values are ideals, beliefs, customs, modes of conduct, qualities, or goals that areShow MoreRelatedHow Dnr Causes an Ethical Dilemma Essay1694 Words   |  7 PagesRunning Head: HOW DNR CAUSES AN ETHICAL DILEMMA How DNR Causes an Ethical Dilemma Deann Morgan HCA 322, Health Care Ethics and Medical Law Dr. David Cole January 22, 2010 Abstract This paper will present an argument of how the process of do not resuscitate (DNR) results in an ethical dilemma for workers in the healthcare field. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Should Cyber Bullies Be Prosecuted - 939 Words

Should Cyber Bullies Be Prosecuted? Sticks and Stones may break your bones but words never hurt, but in reality, words cut deep. Cyberbullying is on the rise and more people are taking their lives due to another person(s) choice of words and actions. Someone has to take a stand against it, cyberbullies should be prosecuted. It has become a bigger issue than face to face bullying. Cyberbullying is permanent and inescapable as technology progresses with time it lasts forever. They way that social media networks are set up its possible for something to go viral within a matter of seconds. Some people argue that prosecution violates the 1st Amendment; others might say it doesn’t cause any bodily harm. The effects that cyberbullying may have on someone physically, mentally, and emotionally should be enough, criminalizing cyberbullying would reduce the number of victims. No one deserves to be trapped. On October 7, 2003, 13-year-old Ryan Halligan hung himself at his home and his body was discovered by his older sister, due to being bullied at school and online by his classmates. One classmate pretended to like him while they talked online little did he know everything he had shared with her had been shared with the rest of the school. He tried to tell his father but he simply told him that words don’t hurt you and ignore the bullies. No one expected Ryan to take his life because he kept quiet about his feelings. Since then his father has done programs on ABC to inform people ofShow MoreRelatedBullies Need a Harsher Punishment1538 Words   |  7 PagesTenesha Bolden March 15, 2012 English 4A Bullies Need a Harsher Punishment Bullying is on the rise in the U.S.; therefore, more researchers are attentive to the effects of bullying. There are extreme cases wherein victims have resorted to drastic measures. Bullying is a widespread plight, which is having both emotional and tragic effects; therefore, bullies should be harshly prosecuted and imprisoned. In arguing that bullies need a harsher punishment, this research paper will closely examineRead MoreIs Cyberbullying Becoming An Added Struggle Of Mental Health Essay1269 Words   |  6 PagesFurthermore, the growing number of social network users pose bullies with new opportunities to victimise others through cyberspace compared to physical bullying. Cyberbullying, like all forms of bullying involve a victim, who is an individual that is unable to defend themselves against unwanted communication, and a perpetrator who is an individual that repeatedly directs malicious electronic communication toward the victim. Consequently, cyber acts are the seeds of which the victim is exposed to beforeRead MoreCyberbullying Is A Serious Problem1560 Words   |  7 PagesCyberbullying Teenagers have been bullying and pushing each other around since the beginning of times, But now with technology texting, IMing, Facebook, Myspace, Youtube, bullies not longer have to confront their victims face to face. They can stay in the shadows and torture their targets anonymously; this new phenomenon is called Cyberbullying. What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is defined as aggressive; intentional act carried out by a group or individual using an electronic form of contact,Read MoreBullying Is Becoming More Spread At An Alarming And Dangerous Rate Essay1152 Words   |  5 Pagestargets.Children and teenagers are either the actual bully or the victims of bullying. Forms of bullying include cyber,emotional,verbal,physical and in some extreme cases sexual. Notwithstanding the awareness of certain bullying cases, school systems disciplinary action are becoming concerning. There is little to no intervention to correct,nor stop the bully if there is no witness or verbal communication to the problem. This gives the bully more advantage in the school system than the school systemRead MoreBullying Is Becoming More Spread At An Alarming And Dangerous Rate Essay1193 Words   |  5 Pagesteenagers are the primary targets.Children and teenagers are either the actual bully or the victims of bullying. Forms of bullying include cyber,emotional,verbal,physical and in some extreme cases sexual. Emphasizing the importance of addressing the awareness of bullying, school disciplinary action is a call for concern. There are little to no means of intervention to correct,nor stop the bully. This gives the bully an advantage in the school system than the school system taking action. More oftenRead MoreThe Internet And Other Communications Technologies994 Words   |  4 Pagesof the qualities of this technology, low cost, ease of use, and anonymous nature, among others, make it an appealing medium for fraudulent scams, child sexual exploitation, and increasingly, a new concern referred as cyberstalking. Cyber Exploitation and Laws Cyber exploitation is the non-consensual spreading and publication of intimate photos or videos. The materials are usually stolen by ex-lovers, ex-spouses, associates, or total strangers through hacking, theft of a cell phone or computer,Read MoreCyber Bullying2316 Words   |  10 PagesCyber Bullying Introduction With today’s technology bullying has become easier then ever; the children and youth of this generation do not even need to have personal confrontation. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Jeff Koons Free Essays

Artist Research Assignment: Jeff Koons Jeff Koons was born in 1955 in York, Pennsylvania. When Koons was 7 years old, his parents put him in art lessons. In 1972 to 1975, he enrolled at Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, Maryland. We will write a custom essay sample on Jeff Koons or any similar topic only for you Order Now In 1975, he went to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois where he studied there for only 1 year. Then in 1976, he went back to Maryland College of Art in Baltimore, Maryland where he received his B. F. A. Jeff Koons has 4 sons with his wife Justine Wheeler-Koons, who is also an artist. He had one daughter named Shannon who as an infant was put up for adoption but in the mid-1990s, they reestablished a relationship together. Many of Koons works have sold for millions of dollars. Some of his major gallery exhibitions include the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago (1988), Walker Art Center in Minneapolis (1993), Deutsche Guggenheim in Berlin (2000), Kunsthaus Bregenz (2001), the Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli (2003), the Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo (2004), and the Helsinki City Art Museum (2005). Jeff Koons has received numerous awards and honors in recognition of his cultural achievements, and artworks. (â€Å"Koons, Jeff. † Art Full Text Biographies. Publisher of Original Publication: The H. W. Wilson Company, 2009. Web. 12 Oct. 2012. ) â€Å"I get all my inspiration from the real world, so I’m much more involved in just walking down the street†¦. and finding out what’s going on in the world then to look at another person’s interpretation. † Jeff Koons, Flash Art, Summer 1997. (Brettell, Richard R. Modern Art, 1851-1929: Capitalism and Representation. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. Print. ). Based on the quote, he gets his ideas from objects around him that he sees and from there he develops an artwork. Jeff Koons uses cheap, throwaway objects, such as balloons or even ornaments, and with the materials he creates a large monument. (Doney, Malcolm, and Meryl Doney. The Oxford Children’s A to Z of Art. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. Print. ). Jeff Koons artwork appeals to me because its different and unique. I like the fact that he takes cheap objects that he finds and uses them to create these wonderful art pieces. When I was looking at Jeff Koons artworks, I thought back to our tutorial discussions/debates where we were arguing back nd forth about what is art and what is not art. Many people believe that Jeff Koons artwork is not considered art, however I believe that his artworks are considered art because its his own creation and it is a new kind art that we have not seen much of. From our lecture, Professor Brandon Vickerd talked a little about Jeff Koons, and he sta ted that â€Å"Some people would look at his work as pioneering and of major art-historical importance, while others view his work as kitsch: crass and based on cynical self-merchandising. † (Taken from PowerPoint). By researching this artist, I found that basically anything could be considered art as long as you make it your own, original and make it look interesting. Works Cited Scholarly Source: â€Å"Koons, Jeff. † Art Full Text Biographies. Publisher of Original Publication: The H. W. Wilson Company, 2009. Web. 12 Oct. 2012. Books: Brettell, Richard R. Modern Art, 1851-1929: Capitalism and Representation. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. Print. Doney, Malcolm, and Meryl Doney. The Oxford Children’s A to Z of Art. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. Print. Images: â€Å"Jeff Koons. † Jeff Koons. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6 Oct. 2012. http://www. jeffkoons. com/site/index. html. Annotated Bibliography (â€Å"Koons, Jeff. † Art Full Text Biographies. Publisher of Original Publication: The H. W. Wilson Company, 2009. Web. 12 Oct. 2012. ) This source contains information about Jeff Koons life, career, artworks, exhibitions, and other interesting facts. It is important for my research because i t gave me a better understanding about Jeff Koons, and all the important events that happened throughout his life. (Brettell, Richard R. Modern Art, 1851-1929: Capitalism and Representation. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. Print. ) This source contains a quote that Jeff Koons said. It is important for my research because Jeff Koons tell us where he gets his inspiration for his artwork. (Doney, Malcolm, and Meryl Doney. The Oxford Children’s A to Z of Art. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. Print. ) This source contains information about Jeff Koons artwork. It is important for my research because it gave me a better understanding about the medium that Jeff Koons uses to create his artwork. (â€Å"Jeff Koons. † Jeff Koons. N. p. , n. d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. http://www. jeffkoons. com/site/index. html. This source contains information and images about Jeff Koons most famous artworks. It is important for my research because it gave me images and a description about the artworks. Two of Jeff Koons most popular artworks Jeff Koons is best known for his so called dull and thoughtless works, which have included four-story-tall floral sculptures (Puppy) and massive chromium stainless steel balloon animals (Ra bbit). ? This is Jeff Koons Sculpture called Puppy, which is made in a variety of flowers and its about 13 meters high (486 x 486 x 256 inches/ 1234. 4 x 1234. 4 x 650. 2 cm). This artwork was exhibited in Sydney, Australia at the Museum of Contemporary Art on December 12, 1995 to March 17, 1996. (â€Å"Jeff Koons. † Jeff Koons. N. p. , n. d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. http://www. jeffkoons. com/site/index. html. ) ? In 1989, Jeff Koons created one of his most famous artworks, which he called Rabbit (41 x 19 x 12 inches/ 104. 1 x 48. 3 x 30. 5 cm). He took an already made inflatable rabbit, and covered it in a highly polished stainless steel colour. The Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago currently owns this piece. (â€Å"Jeff Koons. † Jeff Koons. N. p. , n. d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. http://www. jeffkoons. com/site/index. html. ) How to cite Jeff Koons, Essay examples